Talentjourney is the Platfrom for vocational excellence in the field of IOT in smart manufacturing. It consists of partners from Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Finland, Estonia and aim to narrow and close skills’ gaps in IoT in smart manufacturing, to innovate and improve the responsiveness of VET system to the needs of industry 4.0 and new era society. We also want to bring VET stakeholder collaboration to excellence in content and modes of VET provision. All developed Talentjourney services focus on user-oriented, user-friendly and eco-friendly solutions.
Talentjourney challenges new generations of learners and employees who bring new perceptions of educating, working and living. It includes 4 regions of Slovenia, Finland, Estonia, and Italy who want to develop and share knowledge, skills, ideas in IIoT and scale them to world-wide excellence and recognition.
Next to Šolski center Nova Gorica (SI), who is the lead partner of the platform, 12 other partners are included so far: Šolski center Kranj (SI), Šolski center Velenje (SI), CPI (SI), Mahle EDS (SI), Sataedu (FI), Samk (FI), Tallinna Polütehnikum (EE), Eesti Elektroonikatööstuse Liit (EE), I.S.I.S. A. Malignani (IT), ECIPA (IT), Park GmbH (DE) EIfI Tech (DE). Talentjourney is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme. The lead partner and some of the partner’s organizations are members of the EUproVET association.
The Platform focuses on 3 main elements: the user, the industry and the ecosystem.
- User centricity is key to ensure excellence in Talentjourney. Interactions within regional and EU ecosystems have a significant impact on the learner and their educational & training experience.
- From the industry we’ve got two main messages:
- we need to connect disciplines for a holistic understanding
- the search for talents is the main priority of industry in order to foster development.
- We need a sustainable ecosystem with partners in the economy, abroad the in our local environment to get knowledge and information on how and in which way to develop, and then share this knowledge to all stakeholders.
The main deliverables,that the Platform is going to develop and design in the first two years, are :
- Skills data collection on IIOT
- Professional development trainings for the trainers, teachers and company experts.
- A transnational national joint curriculum in the field of IIOT that will provide EQF 4, 5 modules and life-long trainings with specific emphasis on AI, cybersecurity, data science, robotics and production process development, including transversal competencies and green skills (both related to the specifed topics and in general)
- Concepts of demo labs for IIOT fields
- Piloting the joint curricula.
- Launching of digital platform services.
Talentjourney designs a completely new educational paradigm and environment, an open and innovative space, and a networking and sharing ecosystem, where everyone will be able to discover their potential and develop it professionally to their personal satisfaction.
Such a person is the best creator of innovation and excellence.
The Platform combines various stakeholders and experts at the local, regional, national and international level into the industrial IoT platform. Everyone, who is going to enter the Talentjourney, will be on a constant journey of discovering and developing their potentials: the learner, the tutor/teacher, the company expert, the researcher or anyone interested to share or gain knowledge, skills, experiences or ideas in IIOT field. The regional and European ecosystems of stakeholders have been joining the forces to design the services needed to develop IIOT experts and create the environment to foster innovation and new IIOT business solutions. In that way, we can efficiently support the European Union in its transition to a digital and green Europe.
At the grass root level there are very complex processes happening. In this complexity, the change of the mindset is hidden, which is the most challenging issue. Facing new perceptions of how to be educated, lifestyle and its values, as well as how we work and what value we place on work.
The Talentjourney platform looks for the solutions to answer these questions and looks towards the better, sustainable, simple and human oriented future.
