Boosting cooperation in the green sector through Centres of Vocational Excellence
Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to the European Union and to the world. The European Green Deal is the new strategy put in place by the European Commission to make Europe climate neutral by 2050, boost the economy through green technology, create sustainable industry and transport, and cut pollution. Turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities will make the transition just and inclusive for all.
Platforms of Vocational Excellence can play a key role in contributing to the achievement of these goals, through fostering the cooperation between providers of vocational education and training, employers, research centres, development agencies, and employment services (among others), to develop “skills ecosystems” that contribute to regional, economic and social development, innovation, and smart specialisation strategies. During this event, the audience will learn more about the CoVEs initiatives at the EU level and about practical examples of existing transnational platforms for innovation in the green sector.
- Welcome and introduction to the event
Giulia Meschino, Project manager, EVTA - The ENE network
Jose Manuel Galvin Arribas, ETF - Platforms of Centres of Vocational Excellence
Joao-Santos, DG EMPL, EU Commission - Panel presentations of CoVEs in green:
o A sustainable future with Green Innovation (GREENOVET), Bojan Jovanovski, FH Joanneum
o European Platform of Urban Greening, Jan Jeronimus, Yuverta
o CATALYST, Angelina Taneva-Veshoska, IECE
- EU funding for education and training
- Centres of Vocational Excellence
- Green Transition
- Sustainability, Innovation
- Managers
- Training experts
- Education and training stakeholders
- Public authorities
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