The webinar highlights some project management strategies and methods that can help to build successful partnerships and have a real impact for their context and stakeholders. It also presents meaningful examples on how collaboration and partnership might effectively work among VET Colleges, Higher Education Institutions and Business academies at regional and international level focusing on European Level 5-EQF Qualifications.
The webinar is organised by The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)
Giulia Meschino, EVTA: presentation of the Venhans project
Sonia Degroote, Moderator, EVBB: Introduction of the webinar
Beatrice Bellet, Head of Strategic Projects Department, Asociación MUNDUS
- Partnership vs collaboration
- Partner/collaborator vs stakeholder/cooperator
- Partnership which uses a collaborative decision-making process
- Does having a collaborative process guarantee success?
- How to build a partnership to operate and a partnership to impact
- Quadruple Helix for Innovation and GGPP
Hans Daale, CHAIN5 President
- A general frame for the Higher Vocational-professional Education paths at EQF-5
- CHAIN5: focus on the European Level 5 Area Qualifications
- Regional and International network and community of practice for Level 5 Area
- Collaboration among VET Colleges and Higher Education Institutions
- Initiatives to bring stakeholders together to build a common framework for Level 5 Area
Sonia Degroote, Beatrice Bellet and Hans Daale: Discussion, Questions and Answers
- Project management strategies for building successful partnerships
- Transfer of research and innovation results to regional growth
- Higher Vocational-professional Education paths at EQF-5
- Building a common framework for Level EQF-5 Area
Intended audience
Project managers, Policy makers, VET School managers, Higher Education managers and in general anyone involved in cooperation and partnership projects.