Micro-credentials are seen as a way to assure a quick and flexible response to the needs of the labor market and are one of the initiatives taken by the European Commission in the European Skills Agenda committing to ‘work towards the development of a European Approach to micro-credentials, to help widen learning opportunities and strengthen the role of higher education and vocational education and training institutions in lifelong learning by providing more flexible and modular learning opportunities’.
The webinar is organised by EfVET – European Forum for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
- Welcome to the participants and presentation of the webinars, Arja Flinkman, EfVET Vice-President Policy
- Micro-credentials for skills, DG-EMPL, Chiara Riondino, DG-EMPL, Head of Unit
- Roles and Responsibilities of VET/HVET in LLL policies and practices Brikena Xhomaqi, LLLPlatform
- The role of micro-credentials in facilitating learning for employment, Anastasia Pouliou, CEDEFOP
- Reskilling and upskilling of Danish employees, Tanja Ferslev, ZBC
- Micro-credentials in qualifications frameworks that include Higher Vocational-Professional Education: some scenarios, Hans Daale, CHAIN5
- Micro – credentials: opportunities and challenges and link to the European agenda and priorities – it should be linked to the Pact for Skills “recognition of micro-credentials”
- Example of a successful practice in the approach to micro-credentials
- Micro-credentials in qualifications frameworks that include Higher Vocational-Professional Education: some scenarios
Intended Audience
VET School managers, tutors and teachers