VENHANS, “VET European networking enhancement” is a KA3 – Support for Policy Reform Networks and Partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, funded by Erasmus Plus. Started in October 2019, in its years of activity has been coordinated by EVTA and involved other European Associations of VET Providers, such as EfVET, EUProVET, EVBB, EUCEN, and EURASHEand training providers at the national and regional level, Endurance, ENAIP NET, VDAB, and AFPA. Among its associated partners, there are LifeLong Learning Platform, EARLALL, Association des Agencies de la Democratie Locale, European Parents Association, and Don Bosco International.
The cooperation has included three actions plans:
- networking
- capacity building
- promotion
About the event
The event will be the Final Conference of the project. It will bring VET representatives, public authorities, companies, experts, and stakeholders in Brussels, to debate and promote vocational excellence, internationalisation, and networking in Europe and beyond.
- 15.00 – 15.15, Welcome speech, Introduction to VENHANS, Giulia Meschino, EVTA, VENHANS Project Coordinator
- 15.15 – 16.15, Question time: “The VENHANS project and its contribution to VET in Europe”
Joao Santos, European Commission, Georgios Zisimos, European Training Foundation - 16.15 – 16.30, Coffee Break
- 16.30 – 17.00, Looking to the future: “The legacy of the VENHANS project”, Experts from VET4EU2 Experts: Theodor Grassos, Matti Isokallio, Arja Flinkmann, and Marta Rodrigues
- 17.00 – 17.15, EPALE, “An online VET Community for all Practitioners”, Anna Barbieri, European Commission
- 17.15 – 17.30, Final remarks and Conclusions, Giorgio Sbrissa, EVTA
- EU funding for education and training
- EU Commission Priorities
- Centres of Vocational Excellence
- Networking
- Capacity building
- Promotion
- Erasmus+
Intended audience / target
- Managers
- Training experts
- Education and training stakeholders
- Public authorities